The Ledfords {Family Mini Session}

The award for hottest shoot of all time goes to the Ledfords! I think we pushed the mercury to 118-degrees at one point.  I don’t know if I am supposed to apologize or congratulate them!  This cute family is originally from beautiful Kansas, however they recently moved to North Carolina. While on a visit back to their home town (and with some gentle persuasion from my darling friend and client Lindsey Wasinger), the Ledfords decided to book a Mini Session for darling Conley.  Conley is 18 months old and giving my son a run for his money in the studly and cute department.  This little nugget was a trooper in the heat.  We thought about rescheduling, but by the time they got back to Kansas, Conley would be in a whole different stage of cuteness…obviously THIS stage needed to be properly documented.  Our youngster is a natural golfer.  His swing could use a little work, but what he lacks in technique he makes up for in style…Billy Madison-style!  I truly thank this whole family for smiling through the sweat.  I think it was completely worth the torture!  Can’t wait to see you again!


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